Overcoming a substance addiction can be difficult. That’s why the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) helps ensure the availability of treatment options through a system of state-licensed and nationally accredited service providers. We encourage you to contact us with any questions you have about substance addiction. To find help, visit the DAODAS website. You can also search for Treatment Centers using the map below.

I had nowhere to live – I was banned from my mother’s house and my father was in prison. I found myself standing in the parking lot of a 12-step program considering taking my own life – when a stranger offered to walk me inside. There, I found a support system that finally held me accountable for my own life.

I struggled with heroin use for over a decade, until I tried medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and it changed my life forever. Now, I have a college education, a career, healthy relationships – all things I never thought were possible.

I tried rehab – over and over again – I even tried taking my own life. But it wasn’t until I was in treatment for the 12th time that I finally took responsibility and ownership of my addiction – and my sobriety. I embraced recovery and saved myself.